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About Us

Diabetes Education Outreach Service Pat with insulin pump

Pat A’Bell is a Registered Nurse, Credentialled Diabetes Educator (RN CDE) and certified insulin pump trainer who  has been working in diabetes education for more than 20 years.

Pat started her business in June 2010 in order to  provide an Outreach  Service for diabetes self management education, support and advice to people living with diabetes, their carers, families and other health professionals.

She has children and grandchildren with diabetes, so she understands the everyday demands of living with diabetes.

Pat has a son who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 11; and a daughter who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 2 ½. Pat knows the value of educating from a personal point of view.

Pat offers a professional and personalised diabetes education service to people living with diabetes, their carers, families and other associated health professionals in the Bundaberg, North Burnett and Wide Bay Region. 

Pat currently covers the following towns of Bundaberg, Childers, Biggenden, Gayndah, Mundubbera, Eidsvold, and Maryborough. People can be referred to my service by contacting their GP, or patients can self-refer by phoning the Diabetes Education Outreach Service office.

Pat also sees clients on a regular basis in local GP’s surgeries Pat currently  see clients at Aberdovy Clinic, Branyan G P Super Clinic, Grace Family Practice – Bargara, Blue Care Respite – Biggenden, Gayndah Medical Practice, Mundubbera Medical Centre, Eidsvold Family Practice   

Pat is Accredited with the Mater Hospital Bundaberg; Friendlies Hospital Bundaberg, and has full scope of clinical practice to work within the Wide Bay Hospital and Health services at Eidsvold, Mundubbera, Biggenden, Childers, Gayndah, Monto, Mt Perry, and Gin Gin Hospitals. 

Matthew A’Bell – Administration Assistant.




